A reliable English training solution tailored for Corporations and Working professionals

Established since 2008, Axcela Vietnam  as become a professional English training partner for numerous multinational corporations and large enterprises in Vietnam. With the goal of developing global English proficiency among the Vietnamese workforce, we continuously introduce and offer various English for Corporations and One on One Online Programs for Working Adults  to fulfill this mission.

What differentiate

What differentiate US?

At AXCELA,   we believe that learning a foreign language is similar to purchasing a product. This means that the quality and value of the product must be measurable and worthy of the investment made.  Companies and individuals investing in an English language program have the right to know exactly what their employees and themselves will achieve, how they will progress, and what outcomes they can expect—not solely relying on end-of-course assessments designed by language centers themselves.

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Chris Albright,

Axcela CEO

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What make Axcela Unique?  

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  • The learning method and progress evaluation align closely with CEFR standards.

  • One-on-one practice sessions for listening, speaking, and pronunciation with a personal coach during free time.

  • Accumulate over 100 hours of practice throughout the course.

  • Final learning assessment conducted by Cambridge-certified testing service, to ensures Axcela's commitment transparency.

  • Reduce training time and costs by up to 50%.

  • Money-back guarantee if training goals are not achieved

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